Rights and Permissions

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Livonia MI 48152

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Email: HigherEd@xanedu.com
Tel: 888-212-3121
Visit: www.xanedu.com/duquesne-university-press

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17177 N. Laurel Park Drive, Suite 233
Livonia MI 48152

Contact XanEdu:
Email: HigherEd@xanedu.com
Tel: 888-212-3121
Visit: www.xanedu.com/duquesne-university-press

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Please direct inquiries on rights issues to:

XanEdu Publishing, Inc.
17177 N. Laurel Park Drive, Suite 233
Livonia MI 48152

Contact XanEdu:
Email: HigherEd@xanedu.com
Tel: 888-212-3121
Visit: www.xanedu.com/duquesne-university-press

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600 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15282