Three Duquesne University Press publications have been named Milton Society of America award winners.
The formal ceremony will be held during the annual MLA meeting in January 2016.
Preaching the Gospel of Black Revolt by Reginald Wilburn is the recipient of the John T. Shawcross Award. Preaching the Gospel of Black Revolt is part of the Medieval & Renaissance Literary Studies series, which is under the general editorship of Dr. Rebecca Totaro.
Leah Whittington's essay "Milton's Poetics of Supplication" from Milton Studies, Volume 55, is the recipient of the James Holly Hanford Essay Award.
From the forthcoming Milton Studies Volume 56, Calista McRae's "Direct Address in Paradise Lost" is the recipient of the Albert C. Labriola Award.
Milton Studies is published annually under the general editorship of Laura L. Knoppers
Congratulations to our authors, contributors, and editors!